HS2013 | ComplexCity

Aug - 23 - 2013

HS2013 | Discover Urban Qualities

Feb - 27 - 2012

Blender: Give it a start!

Main links:  Blender Beginner's Tutorial (CGCookie), Blender Beginner's Tutorial (Rowan Stringer),  Interface Customization  , Blender's official tutorial page, BlenderGuru (Andrew Price) , CGCookie , News: Blendernation

Main links:  Blender Beginner's Tutorial (CGCookie), Blender Beginner's Tutorial (Rowan Stringer), Interface Customization , Blender's official tutorial page, BlenderGuru (Andrew Price) , CGCookie , News: Blendernation

Feb - 22 - 2013

Blender Intro Week Results

In the following we document the process of the Blender introduction week for the spring semester course 2013. The video of day 2 was also part of the first excercise, which consist of creating a path animation.

In the following we document the process of the Blender introduction week for the spring semester course 2013. The video of day 2 was also part of the first excercise, which consist of creating a path animation.

Aug - 25 - 2013

Shapely as a Python module for Blender

Shapely  is a Python module that builds on top of libgeos, an open source library for 2D geometry operations. We will use it in our course as a python module for Blender to learn Python in a visual and playful way.

Shapely is a Python module that builds on top of libgeos, an open source library for 2D geometry operations. We will use it in our course as a python module for Blender to learn Python in a visual and playful way.

Oct - 02 - 2013

L1 Blender VSE (Video Sequence Editor)

In nutshell: Screenshot,   How to create proxies,   HelveticaNeue as TTF In lesson 1 we learn how to use Blender as a video editing tool.

In nutshell: Screenshot, How to create proxies, HelveticaNeue as TTF
In lesson 1 we learn how to use Blender as a video editing tool.

Oct - 18 - 2013

Introduction to Python Programming

Today we will learn the basics of programming with Python. Also consider: Shapely for Blender, Python Shapefile Library

Today we will learn the basics of programming with Python. Also consider: Shapely for Blender, Python Shapefile Library

Nov - 15 - 2013


zurich vbz routes and schedulesbucheggplatz3D+OSLVIZ + python snippets

zurich vbz routes and schedules
+ python snippets

Nov - 17 - 2013

Blender Path Animation

This example explains how to use Blender's path animation and particle system to animate a traffic route in an abstract way and composite it into a video.

This example explains how to use Blender's path animation and particle system to animate a traffic route in an abstract way and composite it into a video.

Nov - 22 - 2013

Lat / Lon to CH coordinates

A small tutorial on coordinate conversion. Keywords/Keylinks:  PyProj, for Windows, for OSX Word Coordinate System: WGS84, SRID4326 Swiss Coordinate System: CH1903, SRID21781

A small tutorial on coordinate conversion. Keywords/Keylinks:
PyProj, for Windows, for OSX
Word Coordinate System: WGS84, SRID4326
Swiss Coordinate System: CH1903, SRID21781

Dec - 04 - 2013

Public Traffic On Bucheggplatz 7am-8am

data sources:  schedule + routes:
, Terrain, 
Building Footprints , 
.blend-file (Building Footprints randomly extruded), 
Python Scripts

data sources:
schedule + routes: , Terrain, Building Footprints , .blend-file (Building Footprints randomly extruded), Python Scripts

Dec - 11 - 2013

DEM of Switzerland as a Blender file