HS2015 | Crowd Simulation

Jun - 03 - 2015

Crowd Simulation – People as Flows

The students examine patterns of crowd-flows in an extraordinary urbanisation phenomena: festivals. Bottom-up urbanization you might recognize also on pictures from slums, (refugee/military/exploratory) camps etc. 
Learn how to simulate the flows of people and how to quantify the (real estate) value of stand locations. Caliente Festival, Zurich, will serve as an example.

Sep - 21 - 2015


Sep - 25 - 2015

Programming Basics

Oct - 05 - 2015

Programming Visual Output

Slides, CodeExamples
Exercise: a) Modify the Array2D example. Make the black hole follow the mouse. b) Create a Processing Applet in which at least 3 different geometry forms are moving.
Due 25.10.2015, send it to treyer@arch.ethz.ch.

Exercise: a) Modify the Array2D example. Make the black hole follow the mouse. b) Create a Processing Applet in which at least 3 different geometry forms are moving. Due 25.10.2015, send it to treyer@arch.ethz.ch.

Oct - 12 - 2015

Object Oriented Programming

Oct - 26 - 2015

Simulation Framework

Nov - 02 - 2015

Exercise 3: Design the Festival Layout

Place 20 drink stands, 20 food stands, 8 toilets, 3 music stages in order to create maximal 
a) flow of people, 
b) profit for all stands, 
c) n° happy people, 
d) security. 
Keynote Slides, PowerPoint Slides, Caliente_Map_Template, PDF Slides

Place 20 drink stands, 20 food stands, 8 toilets, 3 music stages in order to create maximal
a) flow of people, b) profit for all stands, c) n° happy people, d) security.
Keynote SlidesPowerPoint SlidesCaliente_Map_Template, PDF Slides

Nov - 09 - 2015

Location Choice

Nov - 23 - 2015

Final Lecture