Prof Dr Gerhard Schmitt



Professor for Information Architecture
Director Singapore-ETH Centre

Gerhard Schmitt is Professor of Information Architecture at ETH Zurich, Lead PI of the ETH Future Cities Responsive Cities Scenario and Director of the Singapore-ETH Centre in Singapore.

Gerhard Schmitt holds a Dipl.-Ing. and a Dr.-Ing. degree of the Technical University of Munich, TUM, and a Master of Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley. His research focuses on urban metabolism with the associated emissions, Smart Cities and linking Big Data with urban design, urban models, simulation and visualization. He and his team developed and taught the first Massive Open Online Courses on Future Cities and Liveable Cities with over 110’000 participants.

From 1998-2008 he served as Vice President for Planning and Logistics and Member of the Board of ETH Zurich. He directed the development of ETH’s strategy and planning in cooperation with the 16 scientific departments. From 1984 to 1988 he conducted CAAD research and teaching at Carnegie Mellon University. He joined ETH Zürich in 1988. He was Visiting Professor at Harvard GSD, at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, the Technical University of Denmark and at the Technical University of Delft. From 2004-2007 he chaired the Visiting Committee of the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. Gerhard Schmitt initiated and conceptualized the sustainable ETH Science City Campus in Zürich and received for this work the 2010 European Culture of Science award.


MSc Danielle Griego


PhD Research Summary

Community Interview


Danielle is a PhD student at the chair working on a multi-criteria clustering analysis to discover optimal community solar PV systems for existing urban neighbourhoods.  She holds a Master’s of Science in Civil Engineering as part of the Building Systems Program and a Bachelor’s of Science in Architectural Engineering both from the University of Colorado, Boulder (USA).  She focused on integrated system design and optimisation analysis for energy reduction strategies for commercial and residential buildings.  During her studies, Danielle also worked for a total of 2 years in industry and research.  After completing her master’s, Danielle worked as a research associate and project lead at the Energy Research Institute at NTU in Singapore in the Sustainable Building Technologies team from 2011-2014.  Danielle led various research projects including a sub-metering project with a real-time energy display for chemistry laboratories.  She also spearheaded the development of EcoCampus, a campus-wide sustainability and energy efficiency program at the NTU Campus.

Teaching: Creative Data Mining

Select Publications:

Exercise 3: Design the Festival Layout

Place 20 drink stands, 20 food stands, 8 toilets, 3 music stages in order to create maximal

a) flow of people
b) profit for all stands
c) n° happy people
d) security.

In the class you get assigned one of the four (a – d) variants.

Hand-In: 1 Keynote/Powerpoint slide or PDF with your layout, 1 (or more) sentence(s) that explains your intention, with the drink stands, food stands, toilets, stages.

Due on November 8th. Send a zip file with all the 3 parts to


Caliente_Map_TemplatePDF Slides

Lecture4 – Programming Basics III

slides 17.10.2016 (ignore the date in the slides)

lecture4_filesWhy Object Oriented Programming

Exercise 2:

a) Make 2 buildings.

You need to create another building in OOP2Visuals class and update setup() and draw() methods to draw them both.
Subject to constraints:
1. Buildings should be fully visible on a screen and should not overlap;
2. They should differ in, at least, something.

b) Change roof type.

You need to create another Roof implementation.
1. Create a new class with your own name, e.g.
class YouRoofClassName extends Roof { .. }
2. Overwrite draw() method, so it draws your custom roof.
3. Change one of the buildings from exercise (a) to use your roof.

c) Change Storey: make a storey with balcony.

You need to do another class
class BalconyStorey extends Story {..}
Then you need to modify it the same way as we did for GroundFloor class;
the only difference is that time we need to draw a balcony on top of a floor, not a door.

Lecture3 – Programming Basics II

Lecture2 – Programming Basics I

Slides: 20161003_l2_programming1
Exercise: exercise1 Updated 10.10.2016! Solutions
Template for exercise: drawpatternstemplate-java

L1 Introduction

Exercise 3: Design the Festival Layout

Place 20 drink stands, 20 food stands, 8 toilets, 3 music stages in order to create maximal

a) flow of people
b) profit for all stands
c) n° happy people
d) security.

In the class you get assigned one of the four (a – d) variants.

Hand-In: 1 Keynote/Powerpoint slide or PDF with your layout, 1 (or more) sentence(s) that explains your intention, with the drink stands, food stands, toilets, stages.

Due on November 8th. Send a zip file with all the 3 parts to


Keynote SlidesPowerPoint SlidesCaliente_Map_Template, PDF Slides

Programming Visual Output

<< move your mouse over the image above! >>

Exercise: a) Modify the Array2D example. Make the black hole follow the mouse as in the example above. b) Create a Processing Applet in which at least 3 different geometry forms are moving.
Due 25.10.2015, send it to

How to make Eclipse show explanations of Processing methods:

  1. Download processing-2.2.1-sources.jar
  2. Unzip & move it to your projects/course folder.
  3.  Open from the Exercise2 project you imported in the course from the CodeExamples download and double click on map on line 28, then right click on that selection you made and select “Open Declaration” as shown in the image below. (Shortcut: Ctrl + Click on map)
  4. What you will see is an error message saying that the sources are missing. We will add those now by clicking on changeAttachedSource.
  5. By clicking on “External File” in the popping up dialog select the processing-2.2.1-sources.jar file you downloaded before.
    Screen Shot 2015-10-05 at 13.12.07
  6. Now, when you hover over processing methods in eclipse you get an explanation like this:
    processing doc for line function

Teaching The Unknown

Interactive Installation at MIGROS Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Escher-Wyss-Platz, Zürich

As an invited guest in Moon & Jeon’s exhibition “News from Nowhere” we present the roughly 2000 images sent in as part of three exercises in our MOOC using an interactive touch-screen application. The app features three modes: 1) explore all images with the corresponding description by the students, 2) a guessing game in which the visitor has to guess the location of an arbitrary image from 240 preselected images and 3) a statistics view in which the visitor is presented his own rank as well as the ranks of the cities: a rank that shows how well the cities have been recognized throughout the whole exhibition.

Migros Museum
