In this research project, which lasted 18 months, we developed a framework and a related Multi-Touch-Software for the visual management of risks and strategies. The applied research project was done jointly with our industry partner vasp datatecture GmbH ( Their consultants and visualization experts developed the methodologies and logical designs and prototypes. Based on this input, the software developers at ETH elaborated a generic framework and a multi-touch-application. On top of that the researchers envisioned and implemented new forms of gesture based human computer interaction and a practical way for writing text without an external keyboard. Furthermore, an iPhone application allowed accessing the data for example from home or the bus, manipulating and processing the data of the application. This new visual management approach had led to a new form of discussion, a reduction of complexity, more clarity and consistency, a higher involvement and motivation of people and thus leverage efficiency.
The project can become a landmark for a paradigm shift towards a visual management.
Dr Remo Burkhard | | +41 44 633 79 08