Werkstattgespräch: Die Zukunft bauen
Gerhard Schmitt
Professor für Informationsarchitektur ETH Zürich, Delegierter ETH Global
ETH ID Multimedia Services: Roland Lanz, Nathalie Schmidig
Oliver Stebler (ETH Zürich)
Produktion, Postproduktion:
Oliver Stebler (ETH Zürich)
ETH Zürich: Denise Weber (Organisation), Barbara Wittneben, Reto Knutti, Thomas Häusermann, Dani Zünd
Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC): Geraldine Ee Li Leng (Organisation)
Visualisierungen: ETH Zürich, Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC), Senozon AG, Perkins+Will
Drehbewilligungen Singapur: MacRitchie Reservoir Park, Gardens by the Bay, 1-Altitude
Nikon Schweiz AG, Swiss International Air Lines AG
ETH Zürich (14.9.2016)
Christmas Projections 2012
Science City Christmas Projections 2012 from iA.
For Christmas 2012 the projections at our Science City Campus were created in an intensive seminar week in October. They were presented together some projections of the last years.
Architectural Projections in Baden
Architectural Projections Stadtfest Baden from iA.
This is a projected visual illusion on a building in real scale, part of the FS2012 | Projections. Cooperation between ETH Zürich, Information Architecture and Stadtfest Baden.
More pictures in this link.
The urban energy enigma
The Urban Energy Enigma from iA.
Energy – it is generated, consumed, and expelled. Our cities have a constant appetite for it. Euronews broadcasts a series of reports on the future of energy consumption.
So how could that kind of consumption of power and fuel ever be sustainable?
Gerhard Schmitt said: “A sustainable city is a city able to survive over decades and centuries which really works well. It’s a city where different flows, flows of material, flows of goods, work well, and in which also immigration and emigration are sustainable.”
iA Work 2011
iA Work 2011 from iA.
This video was developed for the annual exhibition 2011 at the department of architecture ETH Zurich. It reflects the different teaching and research activites that were most important throughout the year. The exhibition is located at the HIL building in Science City and can be visited from September 29th until October 28th.
Science City Christmas Projection 2010
The Science City campus of ETH organizes several events during the year, one of them being the Christmas lights in december joined by a chestnut stand. Students were invited to produce some animations. We were able to provide knowhow, that was gained in an exercise from 2008.
Projected Realities – Spring 2010
The goal of the course was to explore the possibilities of projected illusions. Visual illusions are investigated since Renaissance and gained interest lately with projections that make it possible to animate these illusions and/or even allow interaction with pedestrians.
City Engine CO2 Calculation
The City Engine’s report tool is used to calculate the CO2 consumption of a procedural building, based on size and kind of activities.
Zurich CO2 Consumption
Visualization of Zurich’s energy consumption, CO2 production, combined with the size of the buildings.
Visualize Urban Comlexity
Student works in an elective course in spring 2009 at the Chair for Information Architecture at the ETH Zurich. Basic Programming, Visualize Data, Impress. Statistical data was provided by the city of Zurich.